Opinion: Page 3

The latest opinion pieces by industry thought leaders

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  • The food industry is not recognized for sustainability. How can we fix that?

    Companies are making real progress with environmentally friendly policies, but rarely are recognized. Puris Holdings CEO Nicole Atchison looks at how that could be changed.

    Nicole Atchison • Nov. 9, 2020
  • COVID-19 and our food: Temporary change or a new normal?

    The pandemic has made significant changes in what consumers eat, how they buy it and their feelings about food safety. Joseph Clayton of the International Food Information Council discusses some of the group's latest survey results.

    Joseph Clayton • Nov. 4, 2020
  • Avoiding the aura of fraud in organic certification

    Organic food is big business, and regulations — both required and voluntary — are there to protect the seal's integrity. Erin Westbrook and Matthew Veenstra of Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr explain how suppliers can get products through the system.

    Erin Westbrook and Matthew Veenstra • Nov. 3, 2020
  • Former Vice President of the United States Joe Biden speaking with attendees at the Presidential Gun Sense Forum hosted by Everytown for Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action at the Iowa Events Center in
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    "Joe Biden" by Gage Skidmore is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
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    Elections have consequences: How a Biden win could reshape the food policy agenda

    If the former vice president wins the White House, there will be significant changes in regulatory priorities and a new focus on larger issues impacting the industry, writes Sean McBride of DSM Strategic Communications.

    Sean McBride • Oct. 19, 2020
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    Impossible Foods
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    Plant-based meats aren't 'impossible,' but current expectations may be

    When it comes to thinking about the potential or threat of these offerings, Katie Thomas at Kearney writes companies need to move carefully and not buy into the hype.

    Katie Thomas • Oct. 6, 2020
  • Why the food supply chain needs a technology makeover

    The pandemic shows that the methods that have been used are outdated. Rob Bailey of BackboneAI explains how to design a system that moves foods more smoothly.

    Rob Bailey • Sept. 21, 2020
  • goPuff offers convenience product delivery in some metro areas
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    The COVID-19 consumer: goPuff's 5 consumer trends to watch

    Preferences are changing during the pandemic, and Daniel Folkman of goPuff analyzed purchase data to determine the most relevant insights.

    Daniel Folkman • Sept. 9, 2020
  • Snacks.com homepage, May 12, 2020
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    Retrieved from Snacks.com on May 12, 2020
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    As food brands experiment with DTC, seamless customer service can't be overlooked

    Brad Birnbaum at Kustomer said shipping to a person's home can create stronger relationships and brand loyalty, but companies need to do more to maintain that connection.

    Brad Birnbaum • Aug. 28, 2020
  • This is a custom sketch to go with an opinion piece about a Kraft Heinz manufacturing plant for Food Dive.
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    Permission granted by Sam Brunner
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    Making food in a COVID world: A day in the life of a Kraft Heinz plant manager in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

    The coronavirus has drastically changed manufacturing. Beth Mielke shares a typical day in this new normal at her factory that makes Philadelphia Cream Cheese.

    Beth Mielke • Aug. 13, 2020
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    Real Dietitian
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    Advertising for the 'reasonable consumer' in food and beverage labeling

    With false advertising and labeling lawsuits here to stay, Pooja S. Nair at Ervin Cohen & Jessup said contradictions between how a product is marketed and what it is made of could prove extremely costly for a brand.

    Pooja S. Nair • Aug. 5, 2020
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    Building brand loyalty to last beyond the pandemic

    From being authentic to doing things that help the greater good, Louise Pollock at Pollock Communications says companies need to find ways to stay relevant with consumers during these unprecedented times.

    Louise Pollock • July 27, 2020
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    How CPG brands can leverage mobile to retain consumers

    As people shop more online, Greg Archibald at InMobi Marketing Cloud said food companies have an opportunity to use the technology to reach a wider audience and drive sales.

    Greg Archibald • July 23, 2020
  • Getting strategic over the future of chicken during COVID

    With the food supply facing challenges, a trio of authors at Kearney said retailers need to focus on improving surety of supply and right-sizing their cost structure for poultry products.

    Michael Brown, Bahige El-Rayes and Sam Rowland • July 6, 2020
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    Dollar Photo Club
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    Why we should elevate credible science

    As real scientists and their proven methods of research are coming under attack, Wendelyn Jones of ILSI North America writes about why it's so important to come to their defense.

    Wendelyn Jones • June 22, 2020
  • Big livestock: A long road ahead to a resilient, water-secure future

    While the meat industry manages the public health and economic impacts of the pandemic, there's another global threat on the horizon that can't be ignored, writes Kirsten James of Ceres.

    Kirsten James • June 18, 2020
  • Working together to protect the food allergy community

    FDA guidance on May 22 relaxing labeling standards caused shock and fear among consumers. FARE CEO Lisa Gable discusses what manufacturers should do to promote transparency and maintain trust.

    Lisa Gable • June 3, 2020
  • An overview of an orchard
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    Permission granted by Ludwig Sevenster
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    The only way out is to communicate through the uncertainty

    Now is the time to get your message out to employees and stakeholders, even though so much is unknown. Annelle Whyte of K&T has advice on the best way to get it done.

    Annelle Whyte • May 28, 2020
  • COVID-19: The alcohol industry needs to think creatively

    Executives should respond to the immediate emergency, then renew and scale operations to help drive the return to growth once the peak of the crisis has passed, writes Accenture's Oliver Wright. 

    Oliver Wright • May 15, 2020
  • Cows on a farm
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    "RUDERSBERG" by DORIS META F is licensed under CC BY 2.0
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    Pandemic on our plates: The high health risks of industrial animal agriculture

    The way animals are raised for meat, physician Shivam Joshi and Josh Balk of the Humane Society write, the U.S. is engaging in a practice that’s a tinderbox for the next outbreak.

    Shivam Joshi and Josh Balk • May 11, 2020
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    Emma Cosgrove
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    Expert advice for CEOs during a crisis

    Now is the time to have a communication plan. Lisa Cruz of Red Shoes Inc. walks through how to put one together and be effective.

    Lisa Cruz • May 7, 2020
  • In the world of consumer insights, online research is unlikely to become the 'new normal'

    Once social distancing is over, these types of product studies will go back to the traditional in-person way they have been performed. Sean Bisceglia of Curion writes about why.

    Sean Bisceglia • April 30, 2020
  • #Consciouscapitalism: The new imperative for food and beverage manufacturers

    To feed the world and sustain their own future, manufacturers need to change their mindsets, adopt methods to enhance nutrition, boost health and be kinder to the planet, writes Roy Henderson of Green Cell Technologies.

    Roy Henderson • April 29, 2020
  • How COVID-19 brought plastics back from the dead

    For years, food companies were moving away from disposable packaging to help the environment. Tom Newmaster of FORCEpkg writes about how the pandemic is reminding everyone why they were used in the first place.

    Tom Newmaster • April 23, 2020
  • Migrant workers harvest corn on Uesugi Farms in Gilroy, CA, on Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2013.
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    Bob Nicols, USDA. (2013). "20130828-OC-RBN-3316" [photograph]. Retrieved from Flickr.
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    COVID-19 and our food system: What we need to do now

    In a world where fear dominates headlines and infects dialogue, Clareo's Scott Bowman writes about three ways to shift from anxiety to action to protect the safety and supply of food.

    Scott Bowman • April 21, 2020
  • Is plant-based protein about to boom or bust?

    The survival of the sector may depend on whether companies truly can price their options lower than conventional meat, writes Dan Whitmyer of Kickdrum.

    Dan Whitmyer • April 14, 2020